Empowering Seamless Billing Integration

SendTek’s billing platform serves as a linchpin of our comprehensive logistics solution, seamlessly connecting all modules for enhanced efficiency.

Centralised Billing Hub

Our billing platform acts as a centralised hub, integrating seamlessly with various components such as order management, inventory control, and shipment tracking.

This facilitates smooth communication and data flow across the entire logistics platform.

Real-time Synchronisation

By linking all modules, our billing platform ensures real-time synchronisation of critical information, including transactional data, pricing details, and customer billing profiles.

This integration minimises errors and ensures accuracy in financial transactions.

Streamlined Processes

The integration of billing processes streamlines invoicing procedures, minimising manual effort and reducing the risk of errors.

This enhances overall operational efficiency and ensures timely billing and payment processing.

Custom rate cards for Carrier and Client

Our platform allows for the creation of rate cards tailored to each carrier, accommodating diverse weight metrics, currency preferences, and country regulations.

This ensures accurate and compliant pricing for every shipment and customised rates for different clients.

Geographical based Billing

Companies can assign specific rates, tariffs, or fees based on the origin, destination, or transit routes of shipments.

This customisation ensures accurate pricing that reflects the varying costs associated with different regions, promoting fair and transparent invoicing.

Surcharge Managment

Customise surcharge settings, including fuel surcharges, residential delivery fees, or handling charges, to align with your business needs.

Tailor surcharge rates for each customer, ensuring personalised pricing that reflects their specific requirements.

Billing Triggers

Billing triggers based on rate cards, surcharges, parcel status, and other variables are essential for automating invoicing processes within logistics software.

Choose to trigger billing processes periodically or individually for each parcel. This flexibility allows for tailored invoicing approaches that align with your operational preferences.

Itemised Transactions and Invoices


Each invoice contains a comprehensive summary of transactions, providing clients with transparent and detailed billing information. From tracking numbers to associated costs, clients have access to all of the necessary details to understand their invoice.

Our platform groups transactions related to specific clients, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in the invoicing process. This client-specific grouping streamlines billing operations and minimises errors.

Access to Insights

With a unified approach to billing, businesses gain access to accurate and up-to-date financial information. 

They can streamline invoicing procedures and gain valuable insights into their financial performance, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.