Classification & Calculation

SendTek’s platform provides an easy way to get product classification and calculate costs associated with importing and exporting.

HS Pro

Providing both classification & calculation for easy HS Code management.

Using a description or an image, HS Pro generates a 6 or 10-digit HS code.

It returns a suitability code which based on the description or image can also provide Parcel-flow code.

Screens the receiver against over 250 global lists of denied parties, including sanctioned individuals and companies.


SendTek’s platform allows you to provide your own HS code, another suppliers HS code, or use our HS PRO to make the classification and calculation.


The SendTek system calculates the costs associated with importing or exporting any product.

This will include tariffs, duties, taxes, VAT and other fees applicable to the specific trade route and HS Code.